Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Who picks these Guys!

I want to know who picks the idiots that get to shoot half court shots for a million bones. Or the dude that gets to kick a field goal for a new car. How about the morons that get to scramble around the courts for free cash, shoot a hockey puck for a free cruise or boot a soccer ball into the net for a date with Aaron's wife! I don't get this man! Have you ever seen these guys that they pick. The other day on College Game Day they picked this tool to shoot a half court shot for free tuition. He was getting ready bouncing the ball with both hands, much like Sam does, and shot it like a ferry throwing dust into Pegg's hair. It didn't even make it to the free-throw line. I watched a guy try to kick a ten yard field goal and didn't make in the air to the endzone. I swear they have CIA staff that are scopping the fans, doing background checks, and looking for the biggest tools they can find so they don't lose money. For once I want to be the dude to stick it to the MAN and bury that half court shot for a million big ones then crap on the mic and rub it in the announcers face. You will never see them accidently pick JJ for a shot, or Mike "I choked on my panties" Vanderjagt for a field goal (might not be a bad idea though), or Big Papi to hit a fast ball. Or why don't they pick Pegg to hit a fast ball, Forrester to dunk a ball, Sam to through it through the little football holes? Why? I will tell you...actually, I have no idea...it is the curse of the athlete. Not that Pegg is an athlete except on the chess board...kidding, love you man! I once saw them pick a 300 plus pound dude out of the stands to shoot a half court shot for a million dollars and a new car. I know they picked him because...seriously...no way right?!?! But what if, for once, why can't they beat the MAN! I spend all my weekends shooting half court shot after half court shot, praying that one day I will be given the chance to unleash a rainbow of victory. I will win, and win big I will. Now if you exscuse me I need to get the gym so I can get some practice in, and find a mic to poop on!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What they hold

For the record these kegs hold some of the best brandy I have ever tried in my life. Aged 35 years it is something to definitely write home about. But that is not the purpose of this entry. However I have not quite decided what it is I am going to write, I guess I am looking for the words to match the picture. Therefore, I should write nothing because I am at a loss for what to say. Kinda seems to be where I am right now. Much to the same that Ray or Jingoe is. In a dark place. But not necessarily a bad place. I am coasting. I am ready for change. I am ready for the next chapter. That starts in a short two months when I can start unlocking the barrells that hold the keys to my next "season" as many of you say. You know, Europe is not that cool of a place, it is slightly overrated. I would rather do with out the people and just have the places. You know I have been watching the tv show LOST and a deserted island doesn't sound all that bad right now!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Left Behind

This deadened tree stands on perhaps the most famous roack of all time... Gibraltar. It overlooks Spain, Gibraltar and to it's south Africa. But the tree is dead. No longer living, breathing nor eating however its impact is still great. It still provides a view, a shot, an image that caught my eye. To me it gave me something. It told a story, it answered questions, and all together asked many more. I wonder if I and we, are a dead tree? Despite the emptiness we can feel and lonleyness we hibernate in or the desparity of even having a converation with an IM bot; will we live as legends? Our memories and actions of past stand tall like the statue of Hercules or the brush of Pascal. The funny sayings, the jokes, the games, the pitches, and the tackles are forever imbedded into our minds. But this to me is not good enough. I want to be this tree, that catches the eye of someone that can make a legend out of something I did or said. Despite its outward appareance, the grey color, the dryness and the lack of life...this tree provides a Legend to be told. Are we listening?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I love my job in the military, I love being a nurse, I love saving lives, I hate watching them go. But there is a part of me that is still so empty. A part of me that misses what you all have. Sure I am always that guy over there and never coming home and who really knows what comes next. But I miss the pitching game, the hacky record, the brisk "touch of the nose", the frisbees off the dorms, the "6 foot dark hair cop with a gun", the poop in the back seat, sam bitting aarons neck, strawberry limeades, the bee getting the pollen, the tear over the lack of "magic dipping sauce", the starting quarterback, the Barne chats and many other things. I can't thank you guys enough for remaining a brother to me despite my absence. Sometimes all I have to lean on (other than our Mighty Father) are memories and furture meetings of you all. You know who you are and as I begin this major transition in my life I pray that I get see each of you and spend some time with you all. Pegg, when you once assumed I meant "709 Jordan Ave" as my home, you are right. That is where I found myself and that is where I will always go to and call home! Out here

Friday, January 13, 2006

My first time...

I have recently had many thoughts while laying up in bed recoverying from the "laser show" in my eyeballs (everything went well by thew way). Most of those thoughts were memories that made me think about the sort of things in life I wish I could do again for the first time. You know, the way something hit you the first time you saw it, heard it, tasted it, smelled, did it, etc... So here are some of the nutty things I wish I could experience for the first time all over again!
1. I wish I could watch "Dumb and Dumber" or "Saving Private Ryan" for the first again
2. See the Alps again for the first time
3. The look on Pegg's face when I pulled a gun on him
4. When Aaron hit the girl in the head with the frisbee for 47 cents
5. Save my first life again
6. Skydive
7. The sound of music the way it was meant to be heard...vinyl
8. My first Patient
9. Suprising my mother, although that is so easy it is like a frist time expression everytime
10. Re-live my first dunk in a game. It was an Ally-oop from Jesse during an intramural game when I jumped over 6'5'' Brad Klegg and caught it with two hands from the baseline and tomahawked it down on him. It was Awesome.
11. My first roadside bomb, gunshot, and mortar...you learn more about yourself at those moments in life.
12. Beating my dad for the first time in one-on-one hoops
13. Beating Pegg heads up
14. My sister asking me for advice on "life"
15. the first "fountain talk"with maxmex
16. The first time someone died in my arms. Seems pyschotic, but it is an experience I never want to forget.
17.Foster crying at the airport when I went back to Iraq
18. Forrester crying when he prayed over me.
19. I wish I could meet Sam for the first time again, I owe you an apology brother, I wish I could do it again!
20. Go out with my first "real girlfriend" again from my freshman year...wonder where she is.
More to come...work just got nutty!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Laser Show

I am going to let someone lazer my eyeball. I am going to allow a man to scrape away bits of my cornea in order to reshape my God given lens, although irritating lens, so that I can see with out glasses or contacts. "Don't look at the sun, don't stare into strobe lights, don't look at bright lights, wear sunglasses in the sun, careful of reflections," we are always told. "Hey Guy, you want me to shine a lazer in your eye, burn away parts of it, and when all finished you can see?" said the doctor. "Yeah man, that sounds great," I replied. OH THE HUMANITY!!!