Laser Show

I am going to let someone lazer my eyeball. I am going to allow a man to scrape away bits of my cornea in order to reshape my God given lens, although irritating lens, so that I can see with out glasses or contacts. "Don't look at the sun, don't stare into strobe lights, don't look at bright lights, wear sunglasses in the sun, careful of reflections," we are always told. "Hey Guy, you want me to shine a lazer in your eye, burn away parts of it, and when all finished you can see?" said the doctor. "Yeah man, that sounds great," I replied. OH THE HUMANITY!!!
Like I said Parker, I love being able to see without glasses/contacts. When I had mine done they had to retest cause they were not sure I had enough tissue. They came back and said, "Oh yeah, no problem, you have 5 microns (5 freaking microns!!!!) more than we thought"! Hello, sphincter, you can relax now!
Dude, you could poke your eye out with that thing!
can they laser color blindness?
pegg you aren't color blind..we ust like messing with you when it comes to your clothes.
hahahahahahahahhaahahahhahaahahahahahaha parker...that was money
I want sharks with freakin lazers people!!!
don't they leave the flap open for all time so if you fall in the water wrong the flap will come up and I can see your rods and cones
rods and cones
i don't have a flap..the beauty of my procedure. But,. you can see my rods and cones whenever you want buddy! out here
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