Thoughts...or are they?

You ever wonder where you mind runs to at the weirdest times? You have to get curious when you should already know the answer? Or the fact that when we try to think about nothing we are already failing at our simplest goal. What about when your coach tells you, “Don’t think about it, just do it.” Is that even possible? How can we think but not consider our ramifications for doing exactly what it is we are convincing ourselves not to do. I don’t get it when our mind leaves us most of the time. For example, this afternoon I woke up (I mean I love to sleep, some call it depression, I call it a hobby) and found one shoe in the living room and the other in the office…three rooms apart. What was I doing that was so important that I leave one shoe hopelessly alone three rooms down. I try to remember awkwardly running with a lopsided cantor into the next room…for what? Perhaps a ringing phone that was inevitably the wrong number anyway. This opens an entirely separate door that always leave me mindless. I would suck at those game shows when presented with that question. “Do you want door #1, #2, or #3?”. They all look the same but they all have different outcomes and I would panic. “I will take door #4” Going home a loser again! Back to the phone…why are wrong numbers never busy? I can’t seem to figure that one out, much so the same with the shoe mystery, and random thoughts. I mean what is a random thought? Don’t you have to intentionally think something in order for it to happen? Or when you ask someone, “What are you thinking?” And they respond with, “Oh, nothing.”….LIARS!!!! My goal one time was to absolutely not think of anything for 9 seconds. I figured 10 would be to hard and bull riders can do 8 so 9 seemed good. I couldn’t do it, not even for 9 lousy seconds…this makes me a failure. I need to figure something else out that I can conquer, but first I must start with finding my socks!
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