
Ok I will admit that I am one of this guys that has had cereal for breakfast, lunch, and of course dinner. Sometimes eating two full boxes in a day...or one sitting. Big deal, I am lazy and usually by the time I realize that if I don't eat anything my stomach will slowly digest one of my kidneys. I forget it takes usually 20 minutes to cook anything so I resort to always ready, sour milk or not, bowl of cereal! Truth is, I just love cereal. LOVE IT. But the other day I got to thinking about some of them...
Why does Captain Crunch always cut your gums and you start bleeding into your bowl. I am convinced that is why they added berries to it...to hide the discoloration.
Life - is my favorite kind of cereal and the only one that doesn't float ontop of your milk. But I promise I never play santa claus.
Golden Grahms - you have to eat at a record speed because although tasty and unique it gets soggie so fast you eat up with a bowl of souther mush.
Grape Nuts...should not be a cereal...sorry Pegg
Lucky Charms - should do away all together with the oats. Just a box of marshmellows. That is all we need. I had a friend in high school that we used to always take out of the marshmellows eat them seperately and then put all the oats back in the box. this kid never could figure it out, neither could his mom. His mom was convinced the store got a bad bunch.
Trix is for kids? Seriously some pott head on crack developed that bunny for the box.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch - good...oh so very good.
Rice Crispy Treats - the greatest cereal to ever go off the shelf for no reason. Oh the insanity!
I got nothing else right now. I am tired, and I am even tired of being tired...but sleeping is so much fun. Some people call it depression, I call it a hobby. I promise to come back with something soon!
I gave your mom a nutroll!
you love it ninja boy
Remember Colon Blow cereal from SNL? Or Quarry? Chock full of minerals! Alas, that could be before you young whipper snappers time.
You eat too much cereal Parker
Parker I was once like you...eating cereal non stop. It got to the point when I lived on my own, where I went to the grocery store my grocery list resembeld something like the following.
1. Milk
2. Cereal
a. Capt Crunch
b. Frosted Flakes
c. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
d. Fruit Loops
e. Trix
f. Honey Combs
g. Pops
3. Bread
4. Peanut Butter
5. Jelley
Then I got married to a health freak who buys Kix and Go Lean and I would rather shit and a bowl and eat that. So now I eat salad instead.
dude i seriously peed myself when i read that. i love you in a nonsexual way that is.
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