
While driving around Ireland, on the wrong side of the road mind you, I spotted this tub in the middle of nowhere. It got me thinking about a lot of random things in life and wondering what it is you all think about things like this. Why is there a tub out there...and has Pegg used it recently since he does like taking baths. But among otherthings I have thought about a lot of weird stuff that I just don't get. Like, why the English drive on the otherside of the road. We introduced cars to the world...is this their way of slapping us back? As mentioned before, why wrong numbers are never busy. I not to long ago dated a girl for a short time who didn't like ice cream. WHO DOESN'T LIKE ICE CREAM!!!! Or when someone says, "This is nasty...try it." and we do! Same with odors, "Agh man someone farted!" So rather than running for the nearest window or out of the room we actually take a wiff in order to catch the putrid smell. Why? Actualy the other day I was showering and farted while washing my hair. It was so bad I had to leave the shower, and the bathroom for almost a good 4 minutes. Dude, it was rough! Why do we have stage fright while peeing? I have decided that I am going to be that guy Sam talks about and come in and sit in the stall next to the only guy in there and make all the loud obnoxious pooping noises. So...I want to know what you all think of this picture and I want to know what keeps you up at night or hits you while you are pumping a grumpy!
small parts of my lung came up while reading about you leaaving the shower.....
money pic....
You asked. The story is the English drive on the left because in the dark ages, you never knew who you might meet on the road, so you stayed left so your sword hand (most people are right handed) could easily brought into play.In the 1700, the colonies switched to the right because most wagons were very large and drawn by large teams of horses. The driver usually sat on the left rear horse and since he wanted to see what was coming, he stayed right.
As far as the wrong number never being busy. Come on. No brainer. The only way you know it is a wrong number is if someone ANSWERS the phone.
It is kind of the same thing with people who have been looking for something and then state, "I finally found it. It was in the last place I looked" No, Really! You mean you didn't keep looking AFTER you found it? Duh.
By the way, awesome photo.
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Sorry. One more thing.
What if there were no more rhetorical questions?
i like the picture man, I liked all the ones that you sent me the other day. hey a thought, you get to take pictures of a lot of cool stuff is the only reason I am saying this. Try and make a picture that feels heavy on the left hand side. That is my assinment to you.
aaron you want me to do your homework for you don't you?
I didn't know either Parker, but I'm not in the Army AND I've never been overseas AND I'm always busy, so at least I have some what of an excuse. Thank you for the history lesson Dr. Pegg.
Only the British would think about carring swords in their cars. I can see their tooth atrosty dooms hanging out the window up to their armpits with a lance on the side of their car stabing old nuns on bicycles
hows this for random...the other day, pegg, jake and i were talking about something, and I made reference to spiritual gifting, and then lost my train of thought and started thinking about Christmas...and whats the deal with crapping blood?
if you are crapping blood you need to go to the hospital now! out here
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