Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Perfect Gift

What do you get someone that has everything? I know, most of us don’t know anyone that actually “has everything” but they all seem to act like it. I mean, it is like when you call someone no matter what time you dial them up…they are never sleeping! Does everyone stay up 24 hours a day? It can be 0300 or 3:00 AM for you civilians and they sound like death has warmed over and when you ask if they were sleeping EVERYONE says, “No I wasn’t sleep’n…just resting my eyes.” Same with gifts, birthday, anniversary, Christmas…we all get the same response, “You don’t have to get me anything. Or Nah, I don’t need anything”. I mean everyone is a liar if they say they don’t ‘want’ something but I understand that we don’t all need something. So why do we always get in trouble when we actually don’t get anything for that person? I had a girlfriend once that said she didn’t want me to get her anything for Christmas, just my time was enough for her. So I believed her and this is where I went wrong. She got me three gifts…and I got her none. Score: Her 3 vs Me 0 She wins. I know all you with wives and husbands no what I am talking about. So what do we do? We 99.9% of the time get no hint whatsoever and when we do finally through pain stacking, screaming kids, long lines, fake sales and anxiety attacks pick something out…we are inevitably wrong and should have never put our socks on to began with! Agh the agony! So what is the perfect gift? I know for me it is something that makes me happy, or can keep me occupied. Clothes for gifts should be burned unless I say, “I need a pair of Silver Tab Levis 34/34 loose fit” Then it is ok. Other than that, cast them to the demons. Now, take my friends, I know what most of them would want as a perfect gift. Could be wrong, but not likely.
Pegg – Records, cigars, book of rare poetry, or perhaps an intellectual read
Forrester – Records, cigars, (burn the books), nice coffee mug, a stein
Pegg – anything with harley on it, a good laugh, not toothpaste
Sam – Rare waiting to be found band’s music, a spiritual challenge, photograph crap. stickball game
River – weird off the wall posters and tshirts, Crossroads the dvd

Riley - anything Shinny
In return all of my friends would say what they wanted. Why do you all insist on responding with, “Nothing.” Or “I don’t know, pick something out for me.” Let me tell you what I hear when this happens. “Oh crap, I will go to the store 16 times and maybe actually make it to a check out counter twice only to turn back with tears in my eyes and elbowing everyone who gets in the way. Settling on cash/check/or a gift card to some store that I didn’t know you hated.” So for the love of all that is good and holy, just tell your loved one, your friend, or your parents what it is you want. Save us all the irritation, spitting up babies, grumpy new Yorkers (don’t know why I used this anology…just deal with it), and frustrated sales clerks who must have forgotten why they were hired to begin with. Just tell us what you want or don’t expect anything other than a crappy hallmark card. To be cont…


Blogger DrD said...

It's OK, I had to get up to answer the phone anyway. Just checking the eyelids for leaks.

Every year I ask Jeremy, "What would Pam like for Christmas?" Every year, "I don't know" Ask here and let me know. Maybe I will get the list a week before Christmas, way to late to mail anything on time. Usually end up getting her a gift card. It sure makes you look like a loser, but how am I supposed to know?

Blogger Hahn House said...


Blogger Jeremy said...

hey hey hey.....

let me preface this discusion, that will inevetably take place, that we are all incredibly blessed to be able to give AND receive gifts. and do not underestimate the abilty to receive a gift. see stanley haeurwas.

now.... this could get ugly what i am about to say here.... but hear me out:

my theory on gifts is that if you do not know the person well enough to know what they would like, maybe you shouldn't be getting them a gift. i mean you must at least have some idea of what the person may like, based on history, or the things that you know that you know about the person.

take my dad for example with pam... he knows what to get her. but he needs me to say it. now i understand that dad is trying to be thoughtful in the gift that he gets for my wife but i think if he didn't have me to ask, that he knows pam enough to know what some of her interests are. its just easier for me to say THIS IS WHAT PAM WOULD LIKE. i get it.

and parker.... you were right on with your list.... and here's why: all the things that you mentioned in your list for me are the things that i have a passion for. so how can you go wrong?



Blogger Hahn House said...

I don't get people gifts that i don't know and infact most people i know don't even get gifts from me...but then why do we always feel the obligatory gift in return for the one they give us. then what? Dr. P get him!

Blogger DrD said...

OK, so I kind of know what Pam likes. I do know for a fact she loves shopping at IKEA, so a gift card to IKEA works, but seems so impersonal. I also know she likes to cook but have no idea what she might have or need in that arena. Jeremy forgets that in the past 8 years you could probably count the number of days I have been around Pam on your fingers and toes, so I really don't have a really good idea of what she would like, other than the IKEA thing and there you go again, impersonal. She use to like stuff from some "barrel" store but if I recall, it is all decor stuff and how would I know what she wants or needs.

Now Jeremy for instance, I actually thought he had kind of gotten out of the cigar thing. Didn't think he was all that into them anymore. Not really around my own son enough to know his interests well enough to get him a well thought out gift. So, the old gift card again. I know he likes to go, or did like, to Barnes and Noble and read so a gift card to B&N was a good deal. HOWEVER!, this year I got him something I am sure he will love. Did last year to, thought I knew what he would like, and he sent it back. So go figure.

Blogger Jeremy said...

i knew someone would say that max..... this isnt about complaining or not being grateful.... its about the fine art of giving and receiving.... both are important and have to be learned....


Blogger DrD said...

my head hurts.

Blogger E-A said...

just so you know, oh friend of four and a half years whom I have spent NUMEROUS meals and evenings and breakfasts and lunches and dinners with...I don't want coffee (which I dont drink) for Christmas. Was that specific enough? Instead, take a sticky note and write the following on it:

To- Parker
From- Erin, Merry Christmas! I got you just what you wanted!


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