Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What the CRAP!!!!

Ok in one day things just happen to somewhat blow up for the media. Some things I don’t get and other things that I know are already going to irritate me in the same way sweaty underwear does on hot day. To much info….sorry, but it is true. Anyway back to a few stories that are all over the news in the past 24 hours. First Tropical “I want to be a hurricane” Storm Alberto. I mean serious what the crap is this all about? After Katrina all of a sudden every storm that develops is going to draw this much attention. If have to sit through the entire alphabet of storms this season and listen to moron weather guys standing in blistering rain, wind, and cold tell me that a sail boat is anchored in the harbor; I just might shoot myself. No seriously, I wish they would just pretend to get swept away and win themselves their Journalism of the Year Award which should actually be called the “I am moron and went to a evacuated area and tried to make out with hurricane award”. We are only on “A”…AAAGGGGHHHH!!!!

Then I don’t know how many of you watch Bush address the troops in Iraq today but what an impressive showing. I am not going to talk about what he said or didn’t say because in reality it doesn’t matter. He could have showed up and talked about his drinking, his college girlfriends, and his pheasant hunting and the soldiers still would have been happy to see him. Most of you can’t relate because you aren’t a soldier nor have you been there. But the point I am trying to make is no matter what you feel about our President and no matter what the soldiers thought about it, their morale was increased great deal by his presence. You could hear it in their cheers and applause with some of his comments. I could be wrong, and Ray could probably correct me…but I don’t think a President in our time has gone into a war zone with in the “enemy lines” like he did. I know some have been in the “rear” or safe havens of some sort but I don’t think any where they were in danger. So I thank him for that.

Now onto the two biggest morons of the past 24 hours. Two sports figures. I am not talking about the attention getting bed wetter like Terrel Owens, Ray Lewis, Barry Bonds, Shaq etc… I am talking about our “American Hero Sports Figures” in Big Ben and JJ Redick. How do you go from winning the super bowl to throwing yourself onto the pavement with out a helmet on just because you “don’t ride stupid” and “it doesn’t look good” to wear one! What the crap man. Your career could potentially be over because you are a communist b@&ta$rd. That is ok though, I really think his plan was to just have an excuse to wear a beard. Now you have one of my favorite all time college basketball players. A guy I have seen play in person and even played against once in a summer league. Mr. JJ. Who is 21 and decides to drink and drive. A kid that in an ESPN article talks about turning his life around and finding God again. This kid has the world before, first round draft pick, shattered records in the ACC, one many player of the year awards and he decides to drink then drive, the void the cops and try to get away. WHAT THE CRAP ARE YOU THINKING!!! I hate morons, I hate them. Seriously does anyone have an explanation.


Blogger Enigma Productions Photography said...

i have to say that my boy JJ did have his head in his ass, there is no doubt about that. Maxmex is right though, he is just like every other 21 year old kid, who figured ahh i only had a couple of beers with some friends, I can drive home. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt someone else. As far as his relationship with Christ, I would tread lightly before you go start throwing stones at a guy who when he makes a mistake it shows up on every news market in the known world. That pressure alone would make me tip a few back...but i still wouldn't drive.

Blogger Hahn House said...

It is all good Ray I know where you were going. Aaron, I wasn't throwing stones because believe m I am no spring chicken or perfect represenation of Christ...but if I am going to publicly proclaim my faith to the WORLD in magazines and TV I am pretty sure I wouldn't get "caught" doing something wrong like that. Look at the hit the Christian community takes from that...then again, it takes hits everyday from you and me.

Blogger Enigma Productions Photography said...

Yeah for real! You are saying because he is proclaiming his faith, and because he is popular that he shouldn't sin. HAHHA, like there is some switch you hit. Cause if there is I would do that. He is just like you and me. And the reality is that he is giving a great example. He apologized for his mistake, I'm sure he and God have talked about it, and he is moving on. That is a perfect example of Christianity. The false thinking that all Christians have to be perfect is why so many people think that not getting caught is the biggest problem. When really it's the heart that matters. That through Christ we have grace and forgiveness, as well as correction.

Blogger Hahn House said...

i am not saying is to be perfect or act perfect or not sin...I am saying you need to be more aware of it. that is all i am saying. believe me, i "F" up all the time. For example there are things i do and say and expect from my soldiers. When i do those things I make sure I am not doing them around my soldiers. You see what I am saying?

Blogger Enigma Productions Photography said...

My point is that, he is a real person dealing with his failures like a real person. Just becuase of his fame does not make him a superhuman. (Well except that he is the greatest shooter of all time.) What I get worried about is that people are more concerned with how they appear in front of certain people. Instead of just being the way they feel God wants them to be all the time. Not choosing the times and places that they will act certain ways. That's one of the reasons that Christians have such a stigma. They look one way then do the exact opposite. Instead of being who christ wants them to be everywhere. I do get that what your saying that as a public christian that there is more responsibility on him. But I think that the things you do are only part of that, the way you handle yourself afterward is just as important. They can't all be like David Robinson, or Tony Dungy

Blogger Hahn House said...

Dude, my boy David is the man and stay off his back unless you are jumping on it and yelling...WHEEEEEEE!!!! Anyway, I know what you are saying man and i agree with you. But the fact that there are people like Robinson, Dungy, Hersheiser, AC green, and others makes it more frustrating when JJ and others do this. And by the way, we all know I am the greatest undiscovered shooter of all times!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... it is fun to see where the random blogger button takes me every once in awhile. I'm just an old lady blogger with teenagers stumbling through but have found the dialog above interesting. It is also interesting to read your take on things being in the military. I'll be back when I have more time to poke around your blog.

Oh, and by the way, you have a beautiful family. I actually hit that blog first. And thank you for your service to our country.


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