Times Past

I have been out of the loop now for sometime, many of you have noticed and many may have had no idea. THis is ok, and I can't complain or argue or praise this fact. I can however explain my absence and what is to come. Or at least try through grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and of course run on sentences that can't seem to break the tape at the end. Aaron wanted me to write about his butt and I am afraid that although at one point two years ago he took a picture of his hairy "arse", developed a map of Iraq on it with Baghdad being his...ummm...well, you know...I still refuse to mention anything about that skinny piece of meat...oh crap! Anyway...
March was recently dubbed "Parker's" month. I was closing up shop and stepping away from the life I had embedded while stationed in Germany. It wasn't easy to leave, but at the same time wasn't that difficult. I am to American to be over there much longer and was ready for something new. Although some of my best friends remain behind and continue to badger me for a return, I know home is here at 709.
As far as March 06 goes...it is monumental. One of my best friends and old roomates has been trying to find himself, and develop that ever debateable "realtionship" with God. Needless to say, God is speaking to him and starting to make him really question life. Awesome! I left Germany and will fall out of airplanes for a time before driving nearly 5000 miles to the tundra of Alaska for my new assignment. I ruined perhaps one of the best friendships I have ever had because of stupidity, and at the same time developed a relationship that has me more intrigued then when Franklin got struck with lightening. However this doesn't amount to 709.
I am home, I am with the people I love and from the second I walked through the door of each of their houses it never felt like I was gone. For this I am thankful. Playing ball, taking pics, drinking coffee, editting, praying, and just laughing to the face is numb...it is this I missed. All this time is missing is little bit of chex-mex, a fat ninja, and the one person who knows me better than myself (no pinching though). It was three years ago I left here and started a new chapter. I have since closed that one and will begin yet another section of my book. But the best thing is, despite the long absence, noone acts as if I have been gone. That speaks wonders over any word I could use to describe it. Thank you!
It is good to be home!
Good to have you back.
"You make it impossible for me to HATE YOU!"
-that's a quote from When Harry Met Sally I might add
You can't ruin a friendship because of stupidity, otherwise none of us would have friends! Love is unconditional, Jesus died so that we might understand that and share it! Happy Easter!
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