Who picks these Guys!

I want to know who picks the idiots that get to shoot half court shots for a million bones. Or the dude that gets to kick a field goal for a new car. How about the morons that get to scramble around the courts for free cash, shoot a hockey puck for a free cruise or boot a soccer ball into the net for a date with Aaron's wife! I don't get this man! Have you ever seen these guys that they pick. The other day on College Game Day they picked this tool to shoot a half court shot for free tuition. He was getting ready bouncing the ball with both hands, much like Sam does, and shot it like a ferry throwing dust into Pegg's hair. It didn't even make it to the free-throw line. I watched a guy try to kick a ten yard field goal and didn't make in the air to the endzone. I swear they have CIA staff that are scopping the fans, doing background checks, and looking for the biggest tools they can find so they don't lose money. For once I want to be the dude to stick it to the MAN and bury that half court shot for a million big ones then crap on the mic and rub it in the announcers face. You will never see them accidently pick JJ for a shot, or Mike "I choked on my panties" Vanderjagt for a field goal (might not be a bad idea though), or Big Papi to hit a fast ball. Or why don't they pick Pegg to hit a fast ball, Forrester to dunk a ball, Sam to through it through the little football holes? Why? I will tell you...actually, I have no idea...it is the curse of the athlete. Not that Pegg is an athlete except on the chess board...kidding, love you man! I once saw them pick a 300 plus pound dude out of the stands to shoot a half court shot for a million dollars and a new car. I know they picked him because...seriously...no way right?!?! But what if, for once, why can't they beat the MAN! I spend all my weekends shooting half court shot after half court shot, praying that one day I will be given the chance to unleash a rainbow of victory. I will win, and win big I will. Now if you exscuse me I need to get the gym so I can get some practice in, and find a mic to poop on!
who is that guy in the picture?
poor Pegg... and all he did was love you.
And this is why none of us would ever be chosen. Because God is saving us from the humiliation. I mean think about it man. You get called down to kick that field goal. We are all in the stands. We all know you have the ability to make it, so when you miss, and you will. You might as well just walk to the car and go drive it off a cliff.
Love you Man
why are you stalking that guy? What did he ever do to you?
sam, he kinda looked like you and i have always had a man crush on you.
that is understandable...but he looks more like Georege Lucas to me
For the record Sam stole that from me.
i hate fat ninjas
i have always wanted to be parkers fat friend. fat ninja friend.
and just so all of you know.... i suck at chess... im just better at it than my attention deficit friends.
OK, Jeremy, here is the litmus test. Have you ever beat Grandpa Pegg at chess. If you have, you are better than you let on. If you haven't.........
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