For the record these kegs hold some of the best brandy I have ever tried in my life. Aged 35 years it is something to definitely write home about. But that is not the purpose of this entry. However I have not quite decided what it is I am going to write, I guess I am looking for the words to match the picture. Therefore, I should write nothing because I am at a loss for what to say. Kinda seems to be where I am right now. Much to the same that Ray or Jingoe is. In a dark place. But not necessarily a bad place. I am coasting. I am ready for change. I am ready for the next chapter. That starts in a short two months when I can start unlocking the barrells that hold the keys to my next "season" as many of you say. You know, Europe is not that cool of a place, it is slightly overrated. I would rather do with out the people and just have the places. You know I have been watching the tv show LOST and a deserted island doesn't sound all that bad right now!
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oh how excited I am to see what He does in your life...just remember on your dying day when you're 105 years old and don't have any teeth and you smell like rotten cheese and coffee, I will look you in the eyes and say "I told you so..." and it will be G-REAT!
wait, is that what is eating everybody on the island is a giant bear?????? HOW SO VERY GAY
but for real parker, i feel you brother. In due time man. Heres the thing. healthy frustration brings vision brother. take it in stride. nice picture.
and is jingoe jaime ingoe? whats up with that guy?
Loving the black and whites Parker. As far as life goes, if you are in God's will, it doesn't matter what comes next, it will be good, even if it sucks. God never promised a cake walk, he did promise suffering tho.
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