The Return from the AK

Well I think it is only fitting that I post a few pictures that were taken along my drive up here and a recent hike to an old mine. I have quickly found, as evident by one of the first pictures while driving north through the Yukon that this place has a lot to offer. I used to think that God’s beauty and work were the Alps…don’t get my wrong, but I have had the privilege of seeing another area that His hand has touched. Ray, I know what Iraq looks like and we have already established that he took a nap during that area of the world. However, the beauty the AK possess can not be explained. I only hope that each you take the time to come and visit. And yes that is the first brown bear I have seen, I am not sure what he meant when he stared at me but I am pretty sure it meant that he could eat me and no one would know. Now let explain something. Actually I don’t have anything to explain right now except for a simple complaint. I used to be somewhat frustrated with urinals that don’t have stalls or guards or what have you. Not because of peepers or something but I hated it when someone with a full bladder would let it go and I would get sprayed with their waste. By the way it is not sterile and Pegg shouldn’t have drank it that one time. Anyway, yes I am a stage freight guy. Not that I typically urinate in front of others but I have had my fair share of pee tests mainly because of my career not my usage. And with out fail I have to drink to moment of bursting and a bitter taste in my mouth before I can flow…and it is painful. Back to my point with the stalls, I have encountered a bigger issue. At one of my stops across North America (many stories to come) I stopped with the urge…to pee that is. I come in and there is one urinal in a public bathroom but it was no joke 6 inches from the only sink. No problem right…wrong. The toilet flushes in the pooper stall. A large, and by large I mean whale of a man, comes out and despite the fact I was already struggling for air decides to wash his hands. This is the one time I wish somebody wouldn’t have; much like Aaron. Nevertheless he begins to wash his hands. And I don’t know what language he was singing the birthday song in but he must have taken nearly a minute. Mind you my relaxed body state and normally easy flow as now ceased. Because he was touching me. Not in a “red light” kind of way but in the “he was large and his love handles were crowding my personal space” kind of way. I thought someone staring at you while relieving yourself was bad enough, but someone touching you whose bodily odor is still present in the room and taking 7 days to wash his hands; is perhaps the most uncomfortable and painful thing I have been through. Next to watching Aaron poop in the back of someone’s car…ask him about it.
I will be posting more soon, some pointless and some meaningless…I mean worth reading.
You should have reached over and washed his back for him while you were there. And noone can prove the I crapped in that car. Well except the hobo going next to me.
That is hilarious. I have stage fright and I'm a girl, in a stall, with walls and a lock on the door. I don't think I could handle the whole stand beside someone and pee thing. Gross.
The closests thing I've come to going to the bathroom with someone is having to listen to you poop while I'm on the phone with you. Yeah, that's for those memories.
thats the only thing said to me in an airplane next to...
a fat guy.
your pictures make up for your "crappy" writing.
crappy writing? EF you
Personally, your whole story makes me need to go to bathroom.....but I can't.....stage fright.
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