the midnight sun

I tell you what the AK is proving to be interesting. So muh so that I am not really looking forward to the winter. Why? Well, you see the day never get dark here. We are pushing 20 plus hours of daylight. Now, this is not bright sunny day the whole time but light enough that you don't need your lights on and you can see almost the entire night No flashlights needed, no porch lights, and definitely thick curtains for your sleep. I am not sleeping. The light out here almost has the same affect that casinos or clubs do. You know how there are no windows so you really don't know what time it is and you can only judge the lateness by the weight of your wallet through out the night. Same affect here. I mean at 11 PM it is still light enough that you can go out and play frisbee golf and go for a walk or run or hike and not have to worry about not finding yourself home. At the same time, your body doesn't think it is bedtime because it is still late out. Almost like the sun soaks up through your skin and makes you a daywalker. It is awesome, yet so frustrating at times. The AK is great, I am loving it up here and I strongly encourage each of you to come for a visit...before the darkness sets it. At that point I will count on the North Star to show me the way.
it is a street remember "depression", it has been changed to "north star".
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