Who picks these Guys!

I want to know who picks the idiots that get to shoot half court shots for a million bones. Or the dude that gets to kick a field goal for a new car. How about the morons that get to scramble around the courts for free cash, shoot a hockey puck for a free cruise or boot a soccer ball into the net for a date with Aaron's wife! I don't get this man! Have you ever seen these guys that they pick. The other day on College Game Day they picked this tool to shoot a half court shot for free tuition. He was getting ready bouncing the ball with both hands, much like Sam does, and shot it like a ferry throwing dust into Pegg's hair. It didn't even make it to the free-throw line. I watched a guy try to kick a ten yard field goal and didn't make in the air to the endzone. I swear they have CIA staff that are scopping the fans, doing background checks, and looking for the biggest tools they can find so they don't lose money. For once I want to be the dude to stick it to the MAN and bury that half court shot for a million big ones then crap on the mic and rub it in the announcers face. You will never see them accidently pick JJ for a shot, or Mike "I choked on my panties" Vanderjagt for a field goal (might not be a bad idea though), or Big Papi to hit a fast ball. Or why don't they pick Pegg to hit a fast ball, Forrester to dunk a ball, Sam to through it through the little football holes? Why? I will tell you...actually, I have no idea...it is the curse of the athlete. Not that Pegg is an athlete except on the chess board...kidding, love you man! I once saw them pick a 300 plus pound dude out of the stands to shoot a half court shot for a million dollars and a new car. I know they picked him because...seriously...no way right?!?! But what if, for once, why can't they beat the MAN! I spend all my weekends shooting half court shot after half court shot, praying that one day I will be given the chance to unleash a rainbow of victory. I will win, and win big I will. Now if you exscuse me I need to get the gym so I can get some practice in, and find a mic to poop on!