Thursday, December 15, 2005


Ok I will admit that I am one of this guys that has had cereal for breakfast, lunch, and of course dinner. Sometimes eating two full boxes in a day...or one sitting. Big deal, I am lazy and usually by the time I realize that if I don't eat anything my stomach will slowly digest one of my kidneys. I forget it takes usually 20 minutes to cook anything so I resort to always ready, sour milk or not, bowl of cereal! Truth is, I just love cereal. LOVE IT. But the other day I got to thinking about some of them...
Why does Captain Crunch always cut your gums and you start bleeding into your bowl. I am convinced that is why they added berries to hide the discoloration.
Life - is my favorite kind of cereal and the only one that doesn't float ontop of your milk. But I promise I never play santa claus.
Golden Grahms - you have to eat at a record speed because although tasty and unique it gets soggie so fast you eat up with a bowl of souther mush.
Grape Nuts...should not be a cereal...sorry Pegg
Lucky Charms - should do away all together with the oats. Just a box of marshmellows. That is all we need. I had a friend in high school that we used to always take out of the marshmellows eat them seperately and then put all the oats back in the box. this kid never could figure it out, neither could his mom. His mom was convinced the store got a bad bunch.
Trix is for kids? Seriously some pott head on crack developed that bunny for the box.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch - good...oh so very good.
Rice Crispy Treats - the greatest cereal to ever go off the shelf for no reason. Oh the insanity!
I got nothing else right now. I am tired, and I am even tired of being tired...but sleeping is so much fun. Some people call it depression, I call it a hobby. I promise to come back with something soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Splitting Headache

So I come to work tonight after a pretty good work out in the gym. Feeling a little sore and of course "spent" I change into my uniform, make a pot of coffee and then proceed to the report room. Grimacing a little as I sit down in the chair because this was a "leg" and "shoulders" day. So the fire streaming from my hamstrings is only complimented with the entire torso movements because my neck and shoulders are as tight as a rope. As I am listening to the report of our patients and sipping my cup of hot satisfaction I hear something in the report I can't believe.
"Patient "so and so" is down from ICU with a GSW, a TT of the head. All he has for pain is tylenolQ4". I stop the tape, walk down to the room and stand there in awe. Let me translate what was said.
"Patient "so and so" (a marine) was transferred to us from the Intensive Care Unit with a Gun shot wound, a through and through of the head. All he has ordered for pain control is Tylenol 650mg every 4 hours."
All of a sudden the wimpering of my soreness attitude is irrelevant. This kid is a miracle and to anyone who doesn't believe there is a God...well you get the idea! The young kid, 20 years old, was joke...through the head. The bullet entered the back of his skull, split the two hemispheres in the brain and exited out the forehead. He has no other damage. He gets up on his own, he walks, pees, poops, you name it. Of course a little light headed at times, dizzy here and there, light bothers him at moments but other than that...a full recovery is expected. What was he doing when he was hit? He was talking to an Iraqi child when a sniper from somewhere pulled the trigger and he was knocked out. This kid survived a frick'n 7.62mm round through his head! Next to astronauts who have walked on the moon; he trumps all stories to ever be told at parties. I picture something like this.
At a dinner party:
"He man, I was walking into my room and stubbed my toe, crushing it man, splitting it in two. What is the craziest thing that has happened to you man?"
"Dude that sucks but did I tell you about Eli Blaze and what he did?"
"Dude, I pooped at this party one time and had this floater that just wouldn't go down."
"Me and my buddy once totalled our teachers car on request and thought he was going to kill us when he caught us doing it."
"I got that beat, someone pooped in the back seat of my car!"
"Dude, you know how I hate guns...well when at the rifle range I was grazed by a stray bullet!"
"What is up with that new movie...the ‘Aeon Flux’?"
"Uh, well, while on patrol in Iraq...I was shot in the head!"
I mean what do you say to that?!?!?! God looks out for our boys, no doubt about that, I just hope that all of you continue to pray for these kids and their families. They are truly heroes and it is a shame to those who don't recognize it! Oh by the way, he is giving my lotto numbers for the next month because he knows he is a lucky son of a…and by lucky we all know I mean BLESSED!!! I mean all this kid comlains about is a "splitting headache" and rightfully so! Kinda puts into perspective our daily complaints.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


While driving around Ireland, on the wrong side of the road mind you, I spotted this tub in the middle of nowhere. It got me thinking about a lot of random things in life and wondering what it is you all think about things like this. Why is there a tub out there...and has Pegg used it recently since he does like taking baths. But among otherthings I have thought about a lot of weird stuff that I just don't get. Like, why the English drive on the otherside of the road. We introduced cars to the this their way of slapping us back? As mentioned before, why wrong numbers are never busy. I not to long ago dated a girl for a short time who didn't like ice cream. WHO DOESN'T LIKE ICE CREAM!!!! Or when someone says, "This is nasty...try it." and we do! Same with odors, "Agh man someone farted!" So rather than running for the nearest window or out of the room we actually take a wiff in order to catch the putrid smell. Why? Actualy the other day I was showering and farted while washing my hair. It was so bad I had to leave the shower, and the bathroom for almost a good 4 minutes. Dude, it was rough! Why do we have stage fright while peeing? I have decided that I am going to be that guy Sam talks about and come in and sit in the stall next to the only guy in there and make all the loud obnoxious pooping noises. So...I want to know what you all think of this picture and I want to know what keeps you up at night or hits you while you are pumping a grumpy!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Poker Shack

This entry although short and may only be on for a few hours is to remember my top ten moments at the poker shack in no particular order. Possibly never to me matched at any location or moment...oh the times we once had and how I long for them the non-homoerotic way!
1. River peeing on Charlie and then Alan petting him
2. My tossing of the coke can to John
3. Jon catching the coke can with out breaking sentence
4. Me shooting Pegg with the cap gun
5. When we used to take pictures of the best hand of the night
6. "If I take my coat off it won't get all smokey
7. The snake
8. telling hte pizza guy, "Can you deliver it to the back yard to the shed?"
9. "I have a straight, Q, K, A, 2, 3"
10. The greatest hand of all the time....